Lake Tivoli

Full description

Tivoli artificial lake was formed on the bed of the Criş - Topliţa/Körös-Toplica brook, under the foot of Cireşelu/Cseresznyés Mountain between 1975-1976. Apart from being a tourist attraction, it also had the role of protecting the Bear Lake, by regulating the amount of infiltrated water and the deposited mud in the lake. 
Although the purpose of becoming a tourist attraction was reached, two decades later this lake was drained due to the results of studies, which showed that its water flowed into Bear Lake, endangering its qualities.
Located in the heart of the forest, Lake Tivoli is the ideal place for active relaxation enthusiasts.
The road to Lake Tivoli is accessible both by car and on foot, on the path near Bear Lake.
In order to protect the Bear Lake, rehabilitation and arrangement works took place around Lake Tivoli, between 2010-2011. As a result, the bottom of the lake was leveled, and a sun bathing area was built around it, acquiring its final shape.
This place offers wonderful recreational opportunities, along with the nearby adventure park, which has a ropes course for both children and adults.
Boat and water bike rides are available in the summer.


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