Little Mushroom

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Kicsigomba ( Small Mushroom), a symbolic building of the resort, is one of the most popular restaurants of  Sovata/Szováta , with a stunning view over the Bear Lake. In the past this building had a totally different vocation and operated as a photographer workshop and  postcard publisher,  together with a bazaar.
The upper level, similar to an opened balcony, was the music pavilion of the resort.
There were several postcard publishers and photographers who had their workshops in Sovata.
Károly Körtesy, a photographer from Târgu-Mures/Marosvásárhely, was one of them and his workshop was under the music pavilion and together with the bazaar it was named Kicsi-Gomba (Small Mushroom). Károly Körtesy captured  photographs of the former Upper Bath, the bathing and especially the Bear Lake and sold them in his workshop.
Nowadays these old photos are real treasures, through which we can recall the life of the contemporary  Sovata/Szováta .


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