Mária spring

Full description

The Mária spring was built in 1910, in order to solve the problem of drinking water in  Sovata/Szováta  in that period of time.
The problem of drinking water supply was also brought up by the famous Hungarian actress Jászai Mari, who spent her bathing season and the autumn months in  Sovata/Szováta  between 1905 - 1907. With the help of artists and art lovers from Budapest, she managed to raise the sum of 2400 crowns, following the organization of different artistic soirées. From the amount collected, she had the desire to build an ornate fountain, because tourists were using the water from a stream located far away. Thanks to the enthusiasm and perseverance of the actress and based on the project carried out by the engineer Radó Sándor, the stonemason Reiman Károly built this spring.
On the stone bas-relief on the facade of the fountain a mask is carved, highlighting the  actress’ contribution in creating this spring.
The Mária spring was put into use in 1910, so that: "there will be a spring in the resort from which anyone can quench their thirst for free". The following text appeared in that place: "1910, Spring Mária, built by the guests of the resort, through the valuable contribution of the actress Jászai Mari."


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