Steam locomotive

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On April 25, 1907, the Legislative Committee of Târgu-Mureș/Marosvásárhely decided to build a narrow gauge railway linking Târgu-Mureș/Marosvásárhely and Sovata/Szováta, that lasted from 1912 to 1914.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the Romanian Railways (CFR) considered that this line was unprofitable and decided to make it inoperable. Ever since, the line has existed only in the memories of the locals.
14 years later, a new decision was made, to operate the narrow gauge railway line between Sovata/Szováta and Câmpu-Cetății/Vármező, which quickly became one of the main tourist attractions in the area. Mocănița, which operates from spring to autumn, makes the 30 km route in two hours, in a wonderful landscape. Once you arrive at Câmpu-Cetății/Vármező, we recommend you to visit the trout farm and taste the famous local trout.
The founder of the fish farm in Câmpu-Cetății/Vármező, Lokodi Gergely, bought the land in 1934 in order to build a trout farm. The restaurant built in 1994 was the mainstay of fish farming, which was based on respect for tradition and professionalism.
 The proof is the roasted trout, which is the main reason for the return of tourists from the country and abroad. In addition to enjoying a delicious trout, here you also have the opportunity to watch the secrets of growing trout, and fishing enthusiasts can fish their own meal, with the fishing rods provided on site.


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