Rhédey Castle - Sângeorgiu de Pădure

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The castle gets its nowadays form in 1809. Count Rhédey László rebuilds the old castle, owned by the family, between 1807-1809, reusing a part of the building material. This is confirmed by the thickness of the walls in the basement, a part of which is kept when is reconstructed. The year of construction of the old castle is 1663. On the current place of castle there is an old, grandiose castle, which had extremely large bastions and grandiose halls. The old owner of the castle was the Kornis family, and from 1629 the Rhedey family. The Rhédey noble family has descended from the Aba nation. The branch of Ardeal comes from Rhédey János, who settled in Ardeal in 1639, earning Sângeorgiu de Pădure, Gabriel Bethlen`s property. The two levels of the castle have overall 13 rooms with a U-shaped lobby. The upstairs lobby and ballroom have painted ceilings, with white walls. The castle and properties are sold by the Rhedey family in 1885 to the Schuller family, and in 1935 are "bought" by the Romanian state for administrative purposes. Since 1948, here operates Sângeorgiu de Padure rayon administration , and since the 1960`s it functions as a middle and high school. At the ground floor, we found a National Tourist Information and Promotion Center. Also there are two exhibitions: Victor Datu's painting exhibition, and an exhibition of photographs, of the churches in the region covered by the National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion. Upstairs is the commemorative exhibition of the flooded village Bezidu Nou, and in the near future, the Rhédey Museum will be arranged. 

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