Weekend destination: Sovata Ski Resort

Sovata is a popular destination for both Romanian and foreign tourists. Its medicinal waters and forest hikes meet the needs of many tourist groups, but have you ever wondered what happens when the summer season comes to an end and winter comes? Luckily, in Sovata life does not stop in winter either: swimwear is quickly replaced by ski jackets, flip-flops by ski boots and refreshing drinks by delicious mulled wine!
During the winter season, the ski slope of Sovata is a great place for winter sports enthusiasts to have fun and spend valuable time together!

All you need to know about the trail:

  • Ski Resort Aluniș is located on the southwestern side of Saca Mare, which belongs to the Gurghiu Mountains.
  • The highest point of the track is around 1230 meters, which is equipped with a 1200 meter long chairlift trail.
  • Next to the ski run there  is a 350-meter long study trail, complemented by a Tubing and sledding track.

Why do we recommend it?

  1. Go out and explore! There's no better weekend getaway plan than getting together with friends or family and heading out to explore the snow-covered hills and forests of Mureş County. The scenery itself is fabulous, but if accompanied by a sporting activity like skiing, you surely have just made the right decision! Spend meaningful, quality time with your friends, family, and enjoy the thrills of the winter season and winter sports!

  1. Get moving! After sitting at your office desk all week, it's time to get moving! You'll see how good the fresh air will be for you! A few hours of skiing is the perfect way to relax, clear your mind and relieve the pressures of everyday life. Fill up with adrenaline, enjoy the local flavors, the scent of steaming mulled wine and get ready to make new friends!

  1. Try something new! If you can't ski, that doesn't mean you have to stay home! The study trail of the Ski Resort Aluniș is the perfect choice for those who want to try skiing for the first time! The initial uncertainty will be replaced by excitement as you find yourself sitting in the cable car waiting to reach the top of the track and slide down with your friends!

For more details and prices click on the following link:

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